În ultima lună nu am avut timpul necesar pentru a încerca multe chestii noi. Aşa că de data asta mă limitez la patru produse de care am abuzat în Februarie.
In the past month I didn't quite have the time to try a lot of new things. So this time, I'll limit myself to 4 products I've abused in February.
- MUA Glamour Days palette
În curând voi posta şi swatch-urile şi review-ul acestei palete pe care am achiziţionat-o la ultima reducere 50% MUA. Până atunci, vă spun doar că e mai frumoasă decât mă aşteptam să fie. Am luat-o de umplutură, pentru că Dusk til dawn nu mai era pe stoc, dar nu îmi pare rău :)
Soon I'll post the review and swatches for this palette which I bought on the last 50% offer MUA had. Till then, I'll just say that it's more beautiful than I had expected. I bought it as a replacement because Dusk til dawn was out of stock, but i'm not sorry:)
- MUA Mosaic Blusher
Nu că arată interesant? La fel de interesant arată şi aplicat. Abia aştept să vă arăt în review-ul pe care trebuie să-l scriu! Îmi place pentru că e subtil, ceea ce înseamnă că poate fi purtat zilnic chiar şi atunci când vrei să "nu" porţi machiaj.
Doesn't it look interesting? It looks just as interesting when applied. I cannot wait to show you in the review I'm planning. I love it because it's so subtle that you can wear it every day, even when you "don't" want to wear makeup.
Doesn't it look interesting? It looks just as interesting when applied. I cannot wait to show you in the review I'm planning. I love it because it's so subtle that you can wear it every day, even when you "don't" want to wear makeup.
- Farmec cuticle peeler
Nu credeam că voi lăuda produsele astea atât de mult... Sprayul pentru uscare rapidă şi peelingul cuticular sunt incredibil de bune! aici vorbim de peeling, care mă ajută să am cuticule înzecit mai frumoase şi mai îngrijite decât orice încercasem înainte (Kallos cuticle remover, vezi Last Drop of February).
I never thought I would praise these products as much as I am.... The quick dry spray and the cuticle peeler are incredibly good! here, I'm talking about the peeler which helps me have nice cuticles more than anything I tried before (Kallos cuticle remover, see Last Drop of February).
- Boots No. 7 lipstick
This lipstick is part of a little cute box named Deco Darling, which I received from Boots and of which I need to tell you in detail. The lipstick is in Classic Rose, which is a dusty rosy pink that I didn't have in my collection, but really wanted it. I wore this almost daily and loved it!
Care au fost favoritele voastre luna aceasta?
What were your favourites this month?
Until next time, yours,