Review: Blank Canvas Brushes Part2 - Eyes

În postarea anterioară vă povesteam despre pensulele de față din setul Face and Eye brush set. Azi vreau să vă zic părerea mea de pensulele de ochi existente în același set.
In the last post I was telling you about the face brushes from the Blank Canvas Cosmetics Face and Eye Brush set. Today I want to tell you about the eye brushes that you can find in this brush set. 

Setul conține 7 pensule pentru aplicarea machiajului ochilor. Înafară de pensula de blending (006) care a pierdut câteva firicele, niciuna nu a năpârlit la prima spălare.
The brush set contains 7 brushes for applying the eye makeup. Except for the blending brush(006), none of them has shed a hair on the first wash.

006     BC Tapered Blending Brush: This fluffy dome shaped taper brush is ideal for blending eyeshadows. Its’ soft fibres make it ideal for using along the crease of the eye. It is also good for blending concealers. Rounded and tapered top. Specially designed to apply and blend colour on the crease. High grade goat bristles.
Pensula de blending este ok pentru mine, dar poate fi puțin prea mare pentru fetele cu pleoape mai mici. Blenduiește fardul la fel de bine ca si Sigma E25. Ce îmi place cel mai mult la ea e mânerul datorită faptului că nu e foarte subțire, oferind o mai bună prindere și un control mai bun. E făcută din păr de capră.  
The blending brush is ok for my eyes, but it can be a little too big for other girls with small eyelids. It blends the eyeshadow jsut as well as Sigma E25. What I like most about it is the handle because of the fact that it's not too thin, thus giving a better grip and control. It is made of goat hair.

007     BC Flat Eye Shading Brush: This soft and dense brush is perfect for building colour on the eyelid using pressed or loose pigment eyeshadows. With its’ rounded top, avoid those harsh lines on the eyelid. Is perfect for use with the 006 BC Tapered Blending Brush. BC Tip: Use damp to achieve an intense eye look. Synthetic Bristles
 O pensulă sintetică PERFECTĂ pentru fardurile pulbere. Pentru cele compacte nu e chiar preferata mea, pentru ele preferând pensulele mai fluffy. Aplică fardul pulbere foarte uniform și prinde culoarea fardului foarte bine.
A synthetic brush PERFECT for the loose eyeshadows. For compact eyeshadows it is not really my favourite, for that I prefer fluffier brushes. It applies the loose eyeshadow very evenly and it captures the eyeshadow great, in order to transfer it to the lid. 

008     BC Small Angled Shading Brush: This soft angled brush is hand-sculpted for precise application of eyeshadow. Use to build darker colours in the outer corner of the eye. Perfect for creating a smokey eye. High grade pony hair.
 Pensula asta s-a strecurat foarte rapid printre preferatele mele. Mă ajută foarte mult să definesc ochiul în machiajul meu de zi cu zi. Face exact ceea ce zice descrierea și o consider varianta îmbunătățită a pensulei ELF defining eye brush din gama essentials.
This brush has quickly squeezed among my favourite brushes. It helps me very much defining my eyes in my everyday makeup. It does exactly what the description sais and I consider it a better version of the ELF defining eye brush.

009     BC Precision Pencil Brush: This unique multi-purpose brush is a favourite here at Blank Canvas Cosmetics. It is ideal for applying shimmer and highlight to the inner tear ducts of the eye without messy under eye spillages. Can also be used for precise application of shadows along the crease line and outer corner of the eye and along the lower lash line. That’s not all! It can also act as a lip brush. Now that’s value for money! A must in any brush collection. Synthetic Bristles
Trebuie să recunosc că pensula asta m-a făcut foarte curioasă când am văzut-o prima dată. Nu seamănă cu nicio altă ”pencil brush” pe care am văzut-o eu. Chiar credeam că nu o voi putea folosi la nimic și că va fi ostracizata setului. Nu e așa! Contrar așteptărilor mele pensula asta e preferata mea absolută din colecția mea de pensule. Îmi oferă o precizie nemainâlnită de mine. Dacă ar fi să recomand doar o singură pensulă din setul ăsta, cu siguranță ar fi 009!Love it♥
I must admit this brush made me very curious at a first glance. It does not look like any other pencil brush I have seen. I even thought I wouldn't use it for anything and that it would be ostracized from the set. It is nothing like that! Contrary to my belief, this brush is my absolute favourite. It gives me a precision I have never seen before. It it were to only recommend ONE brush in this set, it would surely and without a doubt be the 009! Love it♥

010     BC Small Blending Brush: This brush is especially designed to blend/shade colour with its’ fine bundle of fluffy bristles. Ideal for along the eyelid and crease of the eye. Achieving a professional eyeshadow look has never been so easy. High grade pony hair.
Perfectă pentru cele cu pleoape mici. Mie probabil mi-ar fi plăcut mult mai mult dacă firele erau un pic mai scurte. Nu foarte mult, dar vreo 3 mm.O folosesc pentru a aplica highlight-ul pe arcadă.
Perfect for the girls with small eyelids. I would have probably enjoyed it more if the bristles were a little shorter. Not too short, but aroudn 3 mm shorter. I use it to apply the highlight on the browbone. 

011     BC Angled Brow/Liner Brush: Apply your favourite gel/cream/powder eyeliner or fill in your brows using this flat angled brush. Synthetic Bristles
 Am folosit pensula asta atât pentru sprâncene cât și pentru gel eyeliner și o prefer pentru gel eyeliner. E subțire și oblică, deci îmi oferă precizie. E suficient de moale cât să nu mă deranjeze dar suficient de țeapănă ca să nu încurce aplicarea tușului.
I have used this brush both for my eyebrows and for applying my gel eyeliner and I prefer it for the eyeliner. It is thin and angled so I have precision with it. It is soft enough to not bother me but stiff enough to not ruin the application of the eyeliner.

012     BC Precision Eyeliner Brush: Designed with precise application of liquid liner in mind. We all know how tricky liquid liner can be to apply. This brush is just right for the job. BC Tip: Use to dab concealer on tiny blemishes that your concealer brush is too big for! Synthetic Bristles
Pensulița asta este foarte subțire ceea ce din start oferă un plus, pentru că liniile trasate cu ea sunt subțiri si ușor de făcut.
This brush is really thin, which from the start is a plus, because the lines you can draw are not only thin and precise, but also very easy to do.

Dintre toate pensulele din set cel mai mult îmi plac cea de blush (004) și pencil brush (009). Pe astea două le folosesc zilnic. Pensulele sunt din punctul meu de vedere de o calitate asemănătoare cu a celor de la Sigma. Chiar au reușit să mă surprindă într-un mod plăcut. 
Out of all the brushes in the set I mostly love the Blush brush (004) and the pencil brush (009). These two I use on a daily basis. All of these brushes have a similar quality to the Sigma brushes, from my point of view. I was really pleasantly surprized by these brushes.

Until next time, yours,
**Aceste produse mi-au fost oferite spre testare din partea Blank Canvas Cosmetics. Totuși, părerea mea este complet imparțială. These products were offered to me by Blank Canvas Cosmetics for testing purposes. However my opinion on these products is completly unbiased


6 comentarii:

  1. Love this review! I'm looking for new brushes. I have the brush set, but after washing the hairs start to fall off and the brush connecting to the wood ( I forget what that's called) is getting loose =(. I'll have to check these out =).

  2. Love this review! I'm looking for new brushes. I have the brush set, but after washing the hairs start to fall off and the brush connecting to the wood ( I forget what that's called) is getting loose =(. I'll have to check these out =).

  3. ce frumoase sunt :X:X 

  4. hehe :D mă bucur că te-am ajutat să descoperi care pentru ce e :))

  5. Am mai invatat si eu ceva. Niciodata nu am stiut pentru ce sunt atateaaaa pensulici. :">


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