Cred că deja ştiţi că am o colaborare pe termen lung cu cei de la Kkcenterhk. Până acum mi-am expus părerea pe trei modele diferite de gene false:modelul 1, modelul 2 şi modelul 3. Azi vă scriu despre cel mai natural model de gene false pe care le-am încercat eu de la Kkcenterhk (Click pe poză pentru a vizita site-ul)
I believe you have already figured out I have a long term collaboration with Kkcenterhk. Up until now I talked about three different styles of falsies: Style 1, Style 2 and Style 3. Today I'll talk about the most natural style I've tried so far from Kkcenterhk (Click on the picture to visit the site)
The packaging is a cartboard box with a see-through foil to see the product, but I can't say it is very durable. Of course, when it comes to falsies, the packaging is only important as far as protection goes.
Cât despre gene, iată cum se aplică pe ochii mei:
As for the lashes, here's how they apply on my eyes:
As demi lashes:
As full length lashes:
The only problem I have with these lashes is the transparent stem. Beside the fact that it is a little rigid, once you apply the glue on, it becomes pretty visible, even if the glue dries clear.
Do you like falsies?
Until next time, yours,
Sa le folosesti cu placere.
RăspundețiȘtergereEu sunt o mare fana a acestor "accesorii". Nu stiu ce m-as face fara ele. ;))
sa stii ca si eu am ajuns la stadiul in care un machiaj mi se pare incomplet daca nu are genele :))