Wake me up when September ends..ca să-ți pot spune ce-am terminat și ce-am iubit! În sfârșit am ce să vă arăt la Last Drop! De la o vreme devine din ce în ce mai greu să termini chestii în fiecare lună, dar mă chinui!Așadar, a venit timpul să vă spun ce anume și-a dat duhul în mâinile mele luna asta și cu ce l-am înlocuit.
Wake me up when September ends...and let me tell you what I finished up and what I loved! Finally I have something to talk about in Last Drop! There comes a time when it gets harder and harder to finish products each month, but I'm hanging in there! So, it is time to tell you what products have given their last drop in my hands this month and what am I using instead of them.
- Oriflame Studio Artist Primer.
- Cosmetic Plant Bioliv Cleanser and toner (2in1).
I go through Cosmetic Plant cleanser like water! I have loved each and every one I tried from them and this is no exception. Ok...so I couldn't use it on my eyes because it irritates them (but then again, this isn't eye makeup remover, it's a face cleanser), however on my face not only did it remove everything (dirt, makeup) but also it didn't leave my face feeling dry like other cleansers did. And yes, I would still use a toner after using this even though it says this is a 2 in 1, because I would still have residues of cleanser stuck to my skin (and guess what? my toner is also by Cosmetic Plant! it's the Q10 and green tea one, to be exact). Now I'm trying out the Cosmetic Plant Argan and Aloe cleanser.
- Boots No.7 Cleanse&Care Eye Makeup remover.
The byphasic makeup remover by Boots has a very practical packaging and I will keep the bottle just because it has a pump that makes it easier to use. As for the product itself, I liked the fact that it is hypo-allergenic and that it cleans very easily any trace of makeup (even waterproof), but I didn't like that it separates very quickly so if you need more, you're gonna have to shake it again. But that is one aspect I am willing to overlook if it continues to do this geat of a job. I've now replaced it with the byphasic makeup remover from Sephora.
Voi ce produse ați terminat în septembrie?
What products did you finish up in September?
Until next time, yours,
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Mă tentează primer-ul de la Oriflame, am tot auzit despre el :-)
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