De cele mai multe ori aud oamenii zicând chestii precum: „Vine toamna, ce deprimant!” sau ”Iubesc vara, nu vreau să se termine niciodată!”. Știu, și eu iubesc anumite aspecte ale verii, dar recent mi-am dat seama cât de mult iubesc eu defapt trecerea de la vară la toamnă. Am zis să vă zic și vouă, să nu fiu egoistă, că poate reușesc să îndulcesc și pentru voi trecerea asta. Iată câteva dintre motivele mele:
Often I hear people saying stuff like: "Here comes Autumn, how depressing!" or "I love Summer, I never ever want it to end!". I know, I also love certain parts of Summer, but recently I realized I actually love a lot more the passing from Summer to Fall. I told myself that this is a good opportunity to share this with you, and maybe sweeten your experience in moving forward to Autumn. Here are some of my motives:
- Bubble baths; |
- Fun nails;
- Boots and ankle boots; |
Oh God, do I love boots and ankle boots! I cannot wait to stick my feet in boots once the cold arrives! Now I am really digging a pair of boots from Asos. Isn't it a comfy feeling when you have warm feet even though you are cold elsewhere because you didn't put on enough clothes? Thank God for boots! ♥
- Scarfs; |
Who doesn't like being bundled up in a scarf when it's cold outside? I don't! But that doesn't mean I don't like scarfs! I can't really wear them because I feel like anything I put around my neck suffocates me, but when I see them on other people I really want them too! Being in this situation, how could you not love autumn?
- Earth toned colors; |
There comes a time when you get over the fun and powerful colors of Summer. It's time to move on to browns, purples, grays and beiges. I personally love these colors and when I think about how easy it is to adapt your makeup look to go well with these colors, I love them even more!
- Power lips.
There was a time when I wouldn't dare wear anything but nude on my lips, but thank God, I am over it! I love statement lips and they get me out of trouble all the time when I am running late. Although I wear them all year long, in the Fall my love for them triples! My latest purchase in the matter is the one from the image above, a Farmasi lipstick in shade 45.
Sunt sigură că aveți și voi elemente care vă fac să iubiți trecerea la toamnă. Care sunt acelea?
I am sure you also have elements that make you love the passing to Fall. Which are those?
Until next time, yours,