Because I promised, I tried as hard as I could to keep my word and create a LOTD for Christmas. So, armed with inspiration, makeup and a hot chocolate I went at my desk and I started working. Two hours later I was just adding the first drop of foundation on my skin.. of course I had found my laptop and started working on other stuff. I returned to my makeup and as soon as I finished it I was thrilled by what I had done. I hope you like it just as much :D
What I used:
- Studio artist SPF 15 foundation by Oriflame (Porcelain)
- Studio artist concealer by Oriflame (Light)
- Everyday Minerals blush (Pink Ribbon)
- Chanel Vitalumiere Powder - Sample
- OG baked muffin cake all over powder
- ELF eyelid primer
- Flormar Palette (05) the white vanilla shade
- Radiance Palette - gold
- Flaulein 38 - blues and purples
- Oriflame eyebrow kit
- Ruby rose white kohl pencil
- Avon Supershock gel eyeliner pencil - black
- Rimmel Lash Accelerator Mascara - black
- Farmasi Gleam rouge Liquid lipstick - 15
Și dacă tot vine Crăciunul și afară se face frig, de ce să nu savurăm împreună o ciocolată caldă cu bezele?
And if Christmas is just around the corner and outside is cold, why shouldn't we have a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows together?